• Himalaya Art Gallery • York • Pennsylvania • fastdownloadcloud.ru

Fulfilled is the circle of the bearing of the Image! May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness. A German specialist for oven design has signalled his interest to support this project: the heart of each bakery is and will always be the oven for the pastries! The Ayurvedic physician bends down over useful and good flowers and herbs. Then shall the thought of Shambhala provide sustenance. In sound we reveal our thoughts. Once, walking along the Brahmaputra I saw an Azara. To give a more realistic impression, I first want to tell you simply how and where we came in touch with people who know and are already devoted to the Great Conception of Asia. At present, the planning phase is at full speed, the local conditions are being evaluated due to the altitude of 3,600 m, the conditions for a bakery are quite special and the challenges of an environmentally friendly oven firing must also be mastered.
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Csoma de Koros even mentions, with justification, the place—the wondrous mountain-valley, where the initiation of Buddha was held. On Sundays, there is no class and the children are free to have visitors or go home. In doing so, he playfully critiqued both the hawkish, hyper-masculine rhetoric of the military and the blatant consumerism of the United States. The second is written in the East. In vain are all warnings, in vain are all prophecies; but only by the one path of Shambhala can you attain achievement—by addressing yourself directly to the Blessed Rigden-jyepo you can succeed. From Tibet comes a Lama.
Claes Oldenburg, Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks

Many people try to reach Shambhala uncalled. The learned rabbis and scholars of the Kabalah scattered all over Palestine, Syria and Iran will tell you many remarkable things on this subject. It is very good that he goes, for in this mobility is contained precisely that quality which I always recommend to our co-workers. But the attentive observer, who has himself traversed the depths of Asia, will feel entirely differently. These calls are taught in schools; they have been translated into many languages—and this crystal of attainment has been stratified into the cliffs of the Himalayas.
• Himalaya Art Gallery • York • Pennsylvania • fastdownloadcloud.ru

Likewise, he told the results of our trip, which could not be known by anyone. Broad masses await a great incarnation near the border of the Bridge of the Worlds. The gates to the warrior, Gessar, are on the north. And it must be thus because the ultimate strivings of humanity, based upon collaboration, upon cooperation, must first of all learn synthesis. It is true that many mullahs, when you speak to them of Muntazar, will in the beginning sharply deny this, but if you continue to insist with sufficient assertion and show a sufficient knowledge, they will smile vaguely and put away their negations, and they will often add many important details. Since the envious and the ignorant put obstacles in the way of my works, I shall not lead the evil ones into worse bitterness of heart.
Geophysical Characterization of the Salna Sinking Zone, Garhwal Himalaya, India
Perhaps you have seen how animals and people begin to tremble when they approach certain localities. He was asked what visions he had or what remarkable dreams. But how to distinguish the dividing line of the first impression from the subsequent ones? It is said that in definite places where it had been ordained that new states be built up or great cities erected, or that great discoveries and revelations should take place, there, on all such sites were implanted portions of a giant meteor, sent from the distant luminaries. For example, he rendered a clothespin on the scale of an ancient Egyptian obelisk in a 1976 sculpture for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania below. Perhaps other similar testimonials could be gathered. This is a sign that the time of His Coming is near, and that the Ruler is already preparing to descend from His throne.
Claes Oldenburg, Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks

And those who deny Him shall tremble. Turning again to legends: near Phalut on the road to Kanchenjunga grows a precious plant, the black aconite. All dedications to the Blessed Bhagavan were permeated with a profound love from the heart—which means that the Message of the Paramahamsa deeply touched the very soul of humanity. In this common bliss is contained a real Heavenly Gift that mankind should cherish above all ages and nations. There are several variations of this subject, but you should have the one with the battle in the lower part of the painting in your home.
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In addition to just supporting the school, we were meanwhile able to hire a cook who prepares hot milk tea and a warm meal for the children on a daily basis - thanks to all the donations. Another man, who performed many a beautiful deed for charity, was attacked by someone who sought to destroy all the possessions which had been dedicated to the cause of humankind. Then Brahmâ, the creator, arose and bid Shiva to manifest his power. The third is given by Tzong-kha-pa. In profusion it pours Through my fingers. An inner impulse irresistibly calls people toward the heights. And during the winter, while the frost lay over the mountains, a rose—a flower from the far-off valley—was His gift to me.
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This is not fiction: witnesses will tell you of the same trials by fire in Madras, Lucknow, Benares. In different countries we have heard how highly, not only Buddhists, but the people of many nations talk about His Holiness. And too, beyond immobility rises up the specter of fear for change in general. And do people not flee into shelter, even into dungeons, from purifying thunderstorms and from majestic waves of Light? The reasons for the retreat were of course numerous, and deemed worthy of vital consideration! However, due to the rough climate in the mountains it is most important in order to stay healthy that there are warm beverages and meals. And if, at last, he becomes aware of these loftiest peaks shining far off, he is drawn to them and in this very striving becomes stronger, purer and inspired to achievements for the good, for beauty, and for ascent.
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